Mud Day 2016 getting dirty + tips
It's been a year since I put a cool DIY online. A DIY that had to do with an annual day when you can get nice and dirty. Next Wednesday is Mud Day 2016.
Now at our house every week at least one times mud day so we know what to do with it.
Mud Day 2016
Next Wednesday marks the third edition of Mud Day. In short, Mud Day is a day for discovering mud.
Mud Day originally originated in Nepal to give children positive nature experiences. This initiative was brought to the Netherlands in 2013 and more and more organizations and schools are joining it. Playing with mud is, besides being fun, also very good for children's development.
It has been scientifically proven that playing outside in nature greatly stimulates children's development. When children are allowed to get dirty, creativity, curiosity and quality of play, for example, increase. It is good for concentration and children learn to cope better with risks such as falling and slipping.
Not to mention, playing outside in a natural environment contributes to a more positive attitude and behavior towards nature and the environment.
It's okay to get dirty!
Playing outside, getting dirty and exploring and experiencing unhindered, that is Mud Day 2016. Especially getting dirty is something that really belongs to Mud Day. And my kids can do that.
Put on white pants, take off socks and dredge in the mud. White pants? Pardon?
Yes, I always manage to put my youngest, white pants and all, in the mud.
Getting those pants clean is a challenge but that should not spoil the fun. Mr. and Mrs. have the greatest fun digging holes, crawling, messing about and getting dirty in the mud. Then a dirty suit doesn't matter anyway?
What can you do yourself?
If your children's school or day care is not participating in Mud Day 2016 but you think it would be cool to do something with it? Then there are plenty of ideas to let your children experience mud.
- Have you ever tried to make a drawing out of mud?
- Make a barefoot walk. A bowl of sand with a little water already makes a nice mud bath to walk through. How does it feel on your toes?
- Put out some pots and pans and make some tasty mud pies. Handy dad’s, mom’s, grandpa’s or grandma’s might even be able to make a mud kitchen.
- Make mud prints with your hands and feet. Or maybe you dare to make a mud print with your nose. Just on the street or even on a sheet of paper.
- When the weather is nice it is of course fun to jump into a mud bath. Just fill a specimen tub or pool with sand and water. Make a mess.
Of course there are lots of games and ideas to think of with mud, for young and old alike. You can find many more ideas on my Pinterest board, so get out there and splash around.
Will your kids be dredging on Mud Day 2016? Do you have any fun modding tips?
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