Sustainable lighting: investing in LED

Turn that incandescent or halogen bulb out of the ceiling light and switch to sustainable lighting. Replace all your old bulbs with an LED bulb. LED bulbs use much less electricity than halogen bulbs or incandescent bulbs.

If the Netherlands switches to LED, it will save a surprising amount of CO2.

All Houses Are Bulb Free

LED Bulbs Have Become Cheaper. They have dropped in price so quickly in ten years that they can now be bought effortlesly for 3 to 5 euros. Information Organization Environment Central CAUTIOUSly Calculates A Five-Year Payback Period To Make The Whole Bulb-Free in One Fell Swoop With Sustainable Lighting. Some of the Old Lamps in the House Have A Low Wattage, Or Burn Little. Urgenda Keeps It At Two Years.

Urgenda Arrives at 0.3 Million Tons of CO2 Savings If Many Dutch Households Get Rid of All Their Old Light Bulbs.

Companies will also have to participate

For many institutions, pursuing an energy policy is a little far from the core business. A Swimming Pool, For Example, Will Focus All its Attention Primarily on Providing Sports Facilities. The Same Goes For Most Offices.

Energy Efficiency is Still Rarely High On The Agenda. That is why the energy saving policy does not always get off the ground.


There are special consultancies for businesses and large institutions. They are consultancies commissioned by companies to take over the construction, maintenance and management of the energy management of buildings. They deliver guaranteed energy savings and, if the customer wishes, also take on the financing of the measures taken.

T5 tube

One example is replacing the existing fluorescent tubes with energy-efficient fluorescent tubes, saving 30 to 50 percent on lighting costs. The T5 tubes basically fit into existing fluorescent fixtures with a few modifications.

Sustainable lighting is replacing old lamps

An estimated 50 percent of offices still have old fluorescent tubes hanging in them. In schools, the estimate is over 60 percent. Ordering led fluorescent means significant savings and a boost for the environment. The choice of fluorescent over a led lamp has mainly to do with the light output and the existing fixture. The existing fixtures are specifically designed for fluorescent lighting and not for LED.

Led tl has a lifespan of 30.000 to 35.000 hours, compared to 10.000 to 15.000 hours compared to an ordinary fluorescent tube. Fluorescent lighting is only fractionally more expensive than a normal LED bulb.

To think about

While we often think about LED lighting in our households, many companies are still less engaged in this, even though it is much more sustainable than ordinary light bulbs. It’s small changes that are big for a better environment!