It is springtime! Time for a fresh look in the house
It’s Spring time! The Days Are Longer Again, The Sun is Shining Regularly and It Is Possible to Play Outside Without A Coat. A Great Season For Me!
Many People Feel the Need for Spring Cleaning and a Fresh Look In The House Duration This Period. In This Blog, I Give You Four Great Spring Tips!
Go for Spring Cleaning? Clean up first!
The best tip I can give you when you start the big spring clean is to tidy everything up first. Nothing cleans like cleaning around clutter. Think of the dishes you don’t leave on the counter but get rid of first and stuff lying around in the living room.
Once your house is tidy, you can get started on your spring cleaning. Don’t be too hard on yourself: if you want to give your whole house a spring clean, it really does not have to be done in one day. For example, do one floor a day, or if that is too much, one room a day.
Time for plants!
Is your house all clean, fresh and fruity? Then you can move on to the next part: decorating! We’ll start with plants and flowers. Do you have few or no plants and flowers in your home?? Then it’s high time to do something about it!
Plants make your home look natural and attractive. The beautiful green colors give you a warm look. The great advantage of plants is that they require much less care than flowers and last longer. Or are you the type that prefers not to look at the plants at all?
Then artificial plants are the ideal solution for you. Good artificial plants such as those from Maxifleur are barely distinguishable from real ones, need no water or care and so remain beautiful for a lifetime. Trust me, you’ll get lots of compliments from people who visit you and don’t know it’s an artificial plant.
Often you see with a good artificial plant namely only that it is fake if you really stand on top to look.
If you have a larger living room, bedroom or bathroom, Maxifleur’s artificial trees are highly recommended. They have a beautiful luxurious look and fill the space nicely. I personally think an artificial tree in the bathroom looks beautiful and ideal, as the bathroom is often the place where real plants don’t do so well.
Photo of Maxifleur artificial plants.NL
New cushions
Of course, you want to avoid having to replace your entire decor to create a new look. Believe me: that’s really not necessary. Your sofa instantly looks completely different when you shop for new cushions or cushion covers. Look around your house: which colors do you see often?
These colors are perfect to use for the cushion covers on your couch. Do you have quiet tones in your home (think black, gray, white), but you do have plants in the house? Then go for some green pillows, combined with gray or white pillows.
Working with accessories
The best part of renewing your furniture is fine-tuning it with accessories. Think cute little pots with plants, picture frames, dried flowers, candles, figurines and so on. What you prefer is of course very personal, so browse around in nice home decoration stores and combine the accessories at home.
Plant corners where you combine plants with some accessories also always do well.
Are you after a while your interior mood again? Just put the plants in a different spot, swap some accessories and you will see that it looks new and atmospheric again and again! Have fun!
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