Play Hint Photo Scavenger Hunt with Camera
Last year I already made some treasure maps to go on the road with him. My oldest has done this one so many times now it was time to come up with something new. I made a photo scavenger hunt for him that can be used in different ways.
Stimulate outdoor play
My oldest has always been an outdoor kid, until he went to school. From one day to the next he no longer felt the need to play outside. With difficulty I got him outside to walk the dogs with me. It's been like that for months and I have no idea where it comes from. I think it's important to be outside a lot so lately I've been doing my best to encourage outdoor play.
The little girl loves the outdoors, now the little man needs to go outside.
Games and Winning
Most four-year-old boys are quite competitive and most children like to play games as well. In addition, mine likes to be creative so I started looking for an outdoor activity that combines all these traits. If you love playing games and winning so much, let's go do that outside, sir!
Photo Quest
While the toddler was in school I went out with the little girl. Walking the dogs and taking some pictures. Photos at locations that my eldest would then have to look up again.
Once home I made a fun photo scavenger hunt of all those photos. You can use this scavenger hunt as a bingo card, by always putting a cross through the location found. However, I figured out that it's also fun to go out with the camera.
Let children try to recreate the picture themselves with a phone or children's camera. This stimulates creativity and the way children look at something. I'm curious to know whether the kids try to copy the exact picture or just look for a nice picture themselves.
If you live around here and recognize the location, you can of course print out the scavenger hunt. The printable version can be found here; photo scavenger hunt.
Do you ever need to encourage your child(ren) to go outside?
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