Stop playing soccer, but which sport?
After five years ‘being a soccer mom’, I am now honorably relieved of this task. Both boys want to quit soccer balls. Fine, but then they have to look for another sport, because exercise is very important to me.
What sports are on the kids’ list?
The oldest was four when he started playing soccer with the mini’s. He is now nine and has enjoyed playing soccer for years. But the desire to play soccer is gone.
The youngest started at five and has also had a great time for three years. Yet they are both eager to start a new sport
Think sports
Recently, the oldest took about ten weeks of chess lessons at school. Once he came home and said he did want to play chess. After all, this is a sport too, mom. ‘A mind sport’.
I couldn’t fault him for that, but he also understood my reasoning, that I would love to see him do a more moving sport.
Which choice will it be
I myself have been in an athletics club for over 20 years and actually hope to steer the boys in this direction a bit. Of course it is up to them, but I see many advantages in this sport (outdoors, individual, but also in a group, they can specialize) and I have made them enthusiastic about it. They will go to a few trainings at the athletics club just down the road. Volleyball seems to be fun for both of them. Volleyball is very popular here in the children’s classes, so here they are going to have some training too The only drawback of volleyball I personally find is that it is indoors.
But of course the boys have to decide which sport they would like to play.
Making appointments together
I have agreed with them that in May (when the last soccer games are over) we will follow the trainings at the athletic club and the volleyball and then they can choose which sport they will practice after the summer vacations. I am very curious and will of course keep you posted on the choice of the boys.
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What sports do your children do? And tried many sports before making a choice?